State Rep. Campfield (R) and Criminal Court Judge Ken Irvine (D) campaign for themselves.

Robert Bratton, the Democratic candidate for county trustee, greets voters.

The polling place, about 90 minutes before closing time.

WATE 6 news anchor Gene Patterson reports live from the precinct.

It might not be as sweet as Campfield's Mustang, but Irvine's got a campaign car, too. (Incidentally, thanks for the link, rep.!)
More photos here.
UPDATE: As I mentioned over on The One Blog, Rep. Campfield had a few hours of (perhaps unexpected) suspense last night, but ended up defeating challenger Ron Leadbetter by a margin of roughly 10%. Here's a shot of Campfield campaigning yesterday evening:

Judge Irvine, meanwhile, was defeated, as was trustee candidate Bratton.
More on the election here.