With our impending
move to Denver, this Photoblog will soon take on a distinctly less Knoxvillian, more
Coloradan flavor. And while I very much look forward to photographing the gorgeous grandeur of the Rockies and the bustling beauty of big-city life, I'll definitely miss the more understated, subtle charms of Knoxville. It's been a great place to live for a year-and-a-half -- and a fun place to take pictures.
Before we leave, I hope to update my
Knoxville photo gallery, which I've been woefully lax about doing in recent months. For now, here are a couple shots I took last week, which I rather liked:

The first shot, of the Sunsphere, I actually took out my car window, while waiting at a red light on Henley Street the other day. I loved the cloud pattern and the positioning of the Sunsphere directly in front of the Sun, so I quickly rolled down the window, waited until there were no cars directly to my left, and snapped the shot. I got it just in time, before my light turned green. :)
See also my ever-expanding
Election 2008 gallery, which I've mentioned on my other blog
here and
here. And, like I said, stay tuned for (hopefully) more Knoxville photos, sometime in the next 10 days or so.